
Bracknell Gymnastics Club believes in sport for all and putting people first. Therefore, we provide gymnastics for all ages and genders, regardless of their shape, size or experience. Our aim is to help as many people as possible to experience fun, improve self esteem and build good character through gymnastics.


As the name suggests, Bracknell Gymnastics Club operates out of Bracknell Forest, supporting gymnastics in Leisure and School sites. However, the club has also assisted the provision of coaching in neighbouring districts and welcomes gymnasts from as far afield as they wish to travel from.


We offer quality coaching in Gymnastics, TeamGym, Freestyle gymnastics and Cheerleading from our qualified and experienced staff. Many of our staff hold higher responsibilities with British Gymnastics and also tutor and assess on behalf of the National Governing Body. We are proud to offer the expertise of high level coaches (to Level 6) from elite squads to recreational classes.


Bracknell Gymnastics Club is based at Bracknell Leisure Centre in the 3M hall (37m x 18m x 8m). The hall is ideal for gymnastics and is approved by British Gymnastics as a venue for high performance courses in TeamGym and Trampolining. 


Bracknell Gymnastics Club is a charitable company limited by guarantee, affiliated to British Gymnastics with Gym Mark accreditation and insured by Perkins and Slade and wDenis.



Equal Opportunity & Child Protection Policies

Coaches Code of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct

Participants’ Code of Conduct

Equity & Child Protection Policy

Competitions Policy

COVID-19 Policy